To plot or not

One of the questions I get all the time is, do I plot my books?

The short answer to that is; no.

The long answer is; sometimes!

I’m what’s known as a pantser: a writer who basically flies by the seat of their pants without a roadmap. It’s not as hectic as it sounds, I promise! I don’t know why, but my creative juices are just wayyyyyy better when I don’t plot anything.

I used to outline the Bracken Ridge Rebels series loosely, but now I don’t even do that. I just write ideas down so I don’t forget, and then go with the flow. And it always works out. Even when I’m on deadline and have only days to finish a manuscript, I have learnt not to panic. The more I stress, the worse my creativeness gets, so I don’t do that anymore. 

The same can’t be said for the co-writes I do with my twin sister Dakotah.

We plot very loosely, as we’re both writing different chapters, and if we have a major change in the plot (which happens ALL THE TIME – whoops sorry sis!) then we’ll go back into Google docs and read what the changes are. Usually, we both agree. We rarely get into “heated discussions” over anything plot related, the same can’t be said for when D likes to steal my clothes *cough* 

I have not tried plotting in depth but I might give it a crack for our new series that we will be announcing in 2023, and I’m sooooo excited!!!

Don’t forget I have a newsletter which I send out 1 or 2 per month to keep up to date with all the fabulous stories I’m releasing, plus freebies, giveaways and sneaky peek excerpts. 

You don’t want to miss my first January newsletter for 2023.

Stay safe and well,

Hugs MF x


My writing journey so far